27 JUL – 15 AUG 2018
Nicole Kelly has been named Winner of the Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize.
The winning work, Jumaadi + Clouds + Rain, was selected by Director of the Art Gallery of NSW, Dr Michael Brand. When considering his selection, Dr Brand said:
“The work invites you in to the private space of the artist – both physical and mental. There is a strong luminosity in this work, echoing the work of Pierre Bonnard and Grace Cossington Smith. In her work, Kelly also makes reference to both Jumaadi’s Indonesian heritage and his artistic practice.”
“My artistic practice combines memory, observations and relationships to place. I examine how time changes the way an experience is perceived and retold, the romantic notion of memory, and how memories alter our observations. JUMAADI is a well-known Australian artist, a friend and mentor. Jumaadi has sat for me on a number of occasions for a body of paintings based on literary texts taken from the Drunken Buddha, translated by Ian Fairweather. My desire is to push painting beyond a surface likeness of any subject (landscape, figure, interior) and into the realm of poetics.”
– Nicole Kelly
Courtesy of Regional Arts NSW